
Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a New Year, and I Already Lost a Day

When I woke up, I had full intentions of going to yoga at 10:00. I wasn't in pain, it wasn't too early, I'd slept really well. Hooray! Great start to the new year!

Then I tried to move.

I couldn't straighten when I stood up. Not just stiff and had to move slowly, but could NOT straighten. Bent over like a hunchback, with my hands on my knees supporting my upper body, I thumped into the bathroom and nearly cried at the effort it took just to lift the toilet lid.

Perhaps I overdid it yesterday while drugged to numbness?

I thumped into the kitchen, had some leftovers and some more pain medication. I got out my heating pad and my TENS unit and strapped them both on.

Then I went back to bed.

The rest of the day was a bit of a pain haze. I was utterly useless because I couldn't move but not as bad as my last flare-up where I actually had a conversation in my head as to whether the painful effort of making it to the restroom was worth it. (Making it there won out over not bothering--but only because I realized cleaning up the mess would require more effort in the long run.)

I feel like I say this a lot, but I hope tomorrow is better.

By the way, this entire post was constructed two days later, when I was finally able to piece a timeline together--that's how out of it I was.

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