
Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Not Sure Why I Try To Plan . . .

Bikram Yoga, Day 16

I finally had a morning where I both felt physically able (in terms of my back) and healthily able (in terms of this stupid cold) that I could make it to yoga, so I did.

Three days between classes seems to be too much though as even though I made progress on a number of poses on Monday, I didn't do as well on the same things today. Also, lying on my back started me coughing really badly, so I had to sit up instead of lie down during the rest times.

I had a couple of massages scheduled today and felt better that one of them was nearly as discombobulated as I was and surprised when I rang the doorbell. The good news is we scheduled through to the end of February, so I can kind of plan on a little bit of income again.

Since my husband was still too sick to work, he wasn't up for family swim night either. I'd hoped one of the neighbor girls could come along and watch my daughter so that I could swim laps for a bit. Turns out they couldn't but it was probably a good thing because when I got to the pool, it was apparently high school team night and there were no lanes open to swim anyway.

I'd talked to my daughter's swim teacher about the things she wanted me to work on in the pool for reinforcement. My daughter had other plans and reasoning with a 3-year-old is like trying to convince a goldfish to fly, so I gave up on that too.

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