
Monday, January 3, 2011

Bikram Yoga, Day 10

Getting out of bed this morning was rough again. I'd gone to sleep with my TENS unit on again, but two of the electrode patches fell off. I was again thankful for the bedposts to haul myself into an upright position and only temporarily questioned my sanity to head back to yoga this morning despite my pain.

Today was the first day of the new schedule for yoga--6:00am class. I arrived plenty early and managed to get my favorite spot in the room, where I spent about 10 minutes trying to get just to the dead body pose (from the description, you'd think it would be easy--not so much when muscles are in total spasm).

Again, it was very difficult to do some of the poses and I had to move in and out of them in my own way. It wasn't quite as hard as yesterday though.

Good news: on the prone single leg lift poses, I was actually able to lift my foot off of the floor on BOTH sides. Okay, so it only came up like a half inch, but that was HUGE for me. Still a no go lifting both legs at the same time though.

I'd talked to the instructor before class and warned him that I would be "extra modified" today. After class he commented that he didn't notice that I did anything that modified.

This made me feel good and bad at the same time. Good because he thought I was doing well, bad because he hadn't seen the progress I HAD made, so it didn't look like I'd regressed (which I had).

When I got home, I did take some more of the pain stuff. I had cleaning and things to do and needed to be able to bend in order to do them. Even with the meds, it's still stiff--which is kind of a good thing because it's a reminder to use good postures and body mechanics. Since this flare-up is still so recent, it's hard to know if I'm overdoing it though.

I guess I'll know when they wear off later...

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