
Thursday, February 17, 2011

When Will It END?

Preschool for my daughter this morning, I ran home and utilized the time to clean (another change: used to be I could only clean in short spurts and/or would "pay for it" later and have to lie down). I scrubbed the bathroom, organized the front entryway, cleared out the living room, and tidied the massage room.

Yes, I had a client coming over. So what if that was my motivating factor for finally cleaning? It got done.

Picked up my daughter from school and when we got back, my husband was home. He'd been summoned for jury duty. He was also assigned to a case, but the guy took a plea bargain, so my husband was sent home.

I debated going on another run in the afternoon, but it started dumping some darn cold rain, and I may be getting in to this exercise and running thing, but I still have my limits. I am NOT enjoying running enough to torture my muscles AND risk frostbite (it was 35 degrees out, so I'm not kidding that much).

My daughter had gymnastics, and apparently while we were gone it actually snowed at home, so I felt like less of a weenie for not having gone for a run.

However, not only is my daughter getting sicker (it started with a cough a couple of days ago that has gotten worse and is worst when she's trying to get to sleep), but I seem to be getting sick again too.

I actually picked up some kids' cough medicine for the first time. When we got home, it turned out my husband is now getting sick too, so we all went to bed fairly early.

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