
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Less of a Liar

This morning I wasn't feeling too great, but really wanted to get to the yoga class at 24-Hour Fitness again, just so I was doing something since I haven't been able to get into Bikram recently.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I can't say how much I prefer Bikram to this class--which is supposedly a very good class. Bikram is slower, the instructions are clearer, and I even like the heat because I feel how it lets my muscles relax more.

But this class does do some different poses, provides me with different challenges, and it's closer (5 minutes away as opposed to 25), so it fit with my schedule this morning.

Afterward, I went swimming and timed my 500 again. 11:28, which is down 32 seconds from when I timed it a few weeks ago before signing up for my April triathlon. Only 28 seconds to drop until I'm at the time I entered on my registration, so less of a liar than I was then, but not yet totally honest.

When I went to soak in the hot tub, ended up chatting with the older gentleman who is going to do the triathlon in Hawaii this May. He's doing better on his swimming, although I'm not yet convinced he has any idea how much harder it will be to swim in open water than in the pool. Hopefully they have lifeguards there like they did in Catalina--and he won't need them.

Took off after my workout to an auction meeting for the preschool. Ended up donating another massage to the event (I figure we won't be purchasing much, so the least I can do is donate stuff that hopefully other people will buy).

Then came home and started planning our trip up to the mountain for tomorrow while my husband got ready to go work at the food cart.

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