
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ah, Memory Lane

Spent most of today getting a present ready for a birthday party for one of my daughter's friends. The party was at a local gymnastics club. While there, I was talking to the mom of the birthday girl and we were reminiscing about old gymnastics compulsory routines. She was prancing around doing the dance from one of them and another mom said, "Wow! Riverdance!"

We were totally laughing--the choreography from those old routines was, well, interesting. We were talking about a different routine and then spontaneously started doing it together, which struck me as hilarious, and then we ended up talking about equipment changes, new compulsory routines and what the kids are doing now.

Having been so in depth with gymnastics for the past 13+ years, and familiar with the progressions, I "get" why things are in place, so it was really interesting to hear the outside observations, which I could see why it looks like the system makes no sense (and in some ways, it doesn't).

We got home just in time to say goodbye to my husband who was off to work at the food cart, so another day of no progress on my goals.

The only "out" I have on that is I still feel rotten with this cold. Last year my husband was sick for nearly five months straight (turned out there were several deep underlying causes, including mercury poisoning), and I'm having a whole lot more sympathy for the ongoing "ugh" feeling he had.

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