
Friday, February 11, 2011

Not As a Family Swim Night

I'm grateful that today I wasn't sore after my run yesterday--or at least not as badly as I feared. Sadly, I can't say the same for the dog, who refused to get off the couch.

That totally used to be me.

I ran some errands, then went and worked with some girls at gymnastics on routines again, and then my husband and I met for Family Swim Night. I knew he would be running a little late--besides just that he's Moroccan, this time it was planned. So I spent about 40 minutes playing with our daughter, trying to reinforce things from swimming again, but much more casually, and on her terms.

Did I let a 3-year-old get the best of me? Perhaps, but in terms of coaching/teaching my own kid, I don't even want to go down that road, so I'd rather let her do what she wants and have fun in the pool than not want to go in the water. She's a good little swimmer and I want her to keep liking the water and be safe around it, so rather than make family swim a battle to practice class stuff, I caved, and we worked on what she liked. Actually, some of it was stuff she's doing in class (not necessarily what needs the most work), but we literally spent 30 minutes with her doing knee dives off the side of the pool to grab a toy on the bottom.

When my husband showed up, I was freezing--the family pool we were in is much warmer than the lap pool, but I was cold because I was standing still, whereas our daughter was warm from climbing out, diving in, swimming down, swimming up, and repeating for 30 minutes.

I went to sit in the hot tub. For another 30 minutes. I will admit that I was a bit more sore than I'd originally thought, but it was mostly in my adductors and upper abdominals, so I really enjoyed the soaking time.

At which point, my husband wanted a turn in the hot tub, so I took my daughter, showered and dressed us, and went out to wait for him in the lobby. Even though we'd driven separately, I thought it would be nice of us to wait for him before we left.

I thought it would be nice, but apparently the thought didn't cross his mind, because he was able to enjoy the hot tub, shower, dress, and leave in less time than it took us, so we spent 15 minutes waiting for nothing.

Our daughter, who is unusually perceptive at times, is still just three, and takes statements we make quite seriously, so when I told her we were leaving, she was extremely worried that we were leaving Baba at the pool. It wasn't until we got home and he was already there that she finally believed me.

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