
Thursday, December 9, 2010

From Bad to Worse

Apparently NyQuil does a really good job of masking symptoms because despite starting to feel a little better yesterday and being hopeful for today, ah...not so much.

Before I go any further, there is a too much information alert in progress. You've been warned.

I was NOT feeling well in the afternoon, decided that because of it, I wouldn't be taking my daughter to gymnastics, and then texted my husband to ask him to bring home some ginger ale.

I only ever ask him to bring home ginger ale when I'm sick or someone else is.

An hour later I texted him and told him he was too late.

An hour after that, he showed up with ginger ale. I sipped on it anyway, which turned out to be a bad plan.

Despite having conversations with him about this, he still asks what I consider the stupidest question in the world when I'm busy with reverse digestion. So while I was occupied making noises so horrific that had I not been the one making them, I would have joined in, he yells across the house.

"Are you okay?"

1) I was physically incapable of answering that question in that moment and
2) Obviously not.

I never answered as I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. Also, I was afraid to open my mouth.

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