
Friday, December 17, 2010

Bikram Yoga, Day 3

I'm still not terribly enjoying getting up this early. I would so much rather stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning and roll out of bed at 10:00am than force myself to try to go to sleep early (which doesn't usually work) and then struggle to get going in the morning.

Oddly, I'm waking up about a half hour before my alarm goes off. I think if I just got up and stayed up I'd be fine, but when I realize I have another half hour to sleep and then try and utilize it, that's when I can't get up again.

My instructor showed me some modifications of the poses for me to use. Some of them are frustrating--like one where the end pose is bent over a straight leg--I can do that, just not wrap my fingers around my toes. The modification, which is bending my knee all the way up to my chest, I still can't completely wrap my fingers (again the excess stomach baggage blocking me from compressing completely) AND I'm not stretching.

It's interesting though, coming from a coaching background and having to just take instructions and not argue.

My job is just to hang in there and do what I can. I'm already noticing changes, which is good, but as with everything else I'm working on, the end goal is a LONG ways away yet.

Today my sister and her two kids arrived. The original plan was that she would come and help me organize/clean my house, but right after she arrived I had to leave to go give a client a massage, then take my Level 9 judging test (I've failed it twice and haven't studied much; my hopes aren't high for this time around), then go swimming with everyone.

I packed all the swimming stuff with me, knowing my husband would be late and I was likely to arrive first and possibly even be done with my own swimming workout before he even got there.

That's not quite what happened.

1) I arrived a little late for my judging test, holding up the process (they were nice and waited for me)

2) The other girl and I talked for a bit and asked questions before we even started the test.

3) The test took longer than I remembered.

4) I was so late for swimming that we didn't even go. We would have had only 20 minutes left, and at $6.50 a person, that seemed a bit expensive.

So we decided to go to my husband's former workplace, which has a hot tub.

It closed--and I'm not exaggerating--two minutes before we got there.

I decided to do another grocery run while my husband stayed and played with our daughter and our friend's family.

So much for family swim night.

I got home after 10:00pm.

So much for cleaning/organizing the house.

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