
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bikram Yoga, Day 2

In comparison to my entire one other day of Bikram Yoga, today was easier and felt a little bit shorter. It still seems like the longest hour and a half EVER, but not like Monday's, which felt like 3 days long.

We had a different instructor today. He seems very good (like Monday's instructor). He spent much less time helping out the newbies as compared to the guy on Monday, but was still kind and patient.

It was really nice knowing (sort of) what to expect this time though.

Warning: oversharing ahead. I just wish that I could make it through a class without farting. I don't know what it is about this; maybe it's some of the poses and the way they push on my abdomen, but I hate that I've had at least one sneaker toot escape my control each class.

At least I'm not the only one, though. I heard a couple of others today and was so relieved it's not just me that I wanted to actually thank them.

The biggest problem was that coming home, there was a SEVERE traffic jam. I took some side roads, which helped until I got stuck behind a bunch of other people with the same idea. I didn't get back home until 9:10--which meant my husband had to call in to his 9:00am work meeting. Oops.

I was pleased though that I was able to feel that some of the poses were not as difficult as the first time. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can track my progress, but I'm not sure how I'll do that yet.

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