
Monday, September 6, 2010

Right Into the Groove

We woke up a little late this morning--it was a bit hard for me to get to sleep in all the heat, but not too late considering how tired I was yesterday and the jetlag.

Shortly after getting going in the morning, we made plans to go out with family for shopping. As is usual when we do this, it took ages to actually get going, but instead it was my fault for a change because I hadn't organized anything since arriving and had to do my daughter's hair, among other things.

We walked around for several hours in the shopping area. Not "exercise" so much, but it was tiring in the heat and carrying bags as we did end up doing some shopping.

When we got back, I immediately put on an old pair of shoes (pre-triathlon training shoes that hurt my feet sometimes) and went over to the park (which they call the "forest") and took a 50 minute walk, arriving back just in time for dinner.

I spent much of the walk still fuming about my Kaiser doctor and the way the PA handled the phone conversation. Also, I really missed my HEK friends and the park we usually walk in. I also wished I'd been able to find my walking meters before leaving. I haven't used them much lately, but I was hoping to be able to use them as a comparison.

I got back filthy as the trails are all dirt. Dirt that is a reddish color and the consistency of baking flour. I stepped into the shower and ran the nozzle over my legs and feet and scrubbed until it no longer ran brown down the drain.

Thank goodness I brought my old shoes and don't plan on taking them back home.

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