
Monday, September 20, 2010

Even Oregon's "Heat" Is Too Much For Me

After a long journey home (36 hours, door-to-door, only four hours sleep on the floor at JFK, which is the WORST airport I've been through, STILL), I was really looking forward to cooler weather and time to myself.

The dog suffered pretty badly while we were gone, unfortunately. She's allergic to fleas, which she'd contracted, so she scratched them to the point of a staph infection and developed a hotspot. I was embarrassed to take her into the vet, but the treated her well and at a pretty reasonable price (I LOVE our vet). She now has a shaved spot on her hind end, but at least is on her way to recovery.

More than I can say for myself. I went to the gym to do some choreography to music I had JUST cut. It wasn't that hot--right around 80 degrees. I was there for only a couple of hours and not even working that hard, but was not feeling well by time I was done. "Not feeling well" meaning I had to lie down in front of a fan and NOT MOVE or I felt like I was going to hurl.

I managed to cool down a bit and then it occurred to me that if I hopped in the car and cranked up the air conditioning, I might cool off much more quickly.

The cooling off worked.

The nausea did not go away.

Just when I was thinking I was going to make it home (I was pulling into the driveway), I was proved wrong.

If any of the neighbors saw me leaning over the bushes in my yard, they are probably wondering what type of issues I must have. I rather doubt that a severe reaction to heat is one of the things that would cross their mind.

I'm now much less worried about managing the physical events of the triathlon. I think I can complete them, but the shape I will be in afterward is a bit more concerning. Looks like driving home might not be an option.

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