
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And the Doctor Says...

After a LONG conversation with someone at Kaiser, I was given a new doctor and got an appointment. Today I got to meet him and was actually pleased. I'm not thrilled with him, but so far so good (and no bad stuff yet). He was very understanding and supportive of where I am and what I've been through.

Ironicially, the Physician's Assistant who made me so irritated also works for this doctor. She seemed puzzled that I was a "new patient" but that I looked familiar. Oh well.

Anyhow, after talking to him, he thinks that I have heat-induced migraines, which is not what I expected to hear, but actually makes sense to me. He prescribed medication for it that I'm to take at the onset of the migraine. One of them I can't take within 12 hours of taking my pain medication (which means I will probably never use it), but the other one is for the nausea (so maybe I can prevent myself from doing a technicolor display for the neighbors while on my front lawn).

I guess I'll have to wait and see how it works once I have need of it.

I also went walking with my friend. She's been so supportive and helpful through all of this and is rapidly filling a "hole" I've had in my life for several years of a close female friend that is there for me to lean on when I need it. I hadn't even realized how much I needed that.

Anyhow, while out hiking I got a rock in my shoe. Jokingly, I said, "Oh, I'd better take that out...being prediabetic and all, get a rock in my shoe, then I'll have to get my leg amputated." My friend seemed confused until I explained how having high blood sugar over time essentially disables the nervous system and immune system, so extremities lose sensation (not sensing things like rocks in shoes), wounds develop, and because of the weakened ability to heal, infection can set in and then get severe enough that limbs need to be amputated.

Stunned, she looked at me and said, "I thought you were joking, but you weren't kidding!"

I'm still struggling with the blood sugar, but both my naturopath and my new doctor have told me that by losing weight and staying active, I am actually doing the best things I can be doing for myself.

Oh, and I nearly forgot. My blood pressure, for the last couple of years, has consistently been around 125/85ish. Not terrible, but getting pretty close to worrisome (like 5 points higher and it would be worrisome). Oddly, every time I went to Kaiser, I was told, "Oh, your blood pressure is good." Every time I've thought, That's weird. Are they just surprised that for as big as I am, it's not higher, or do they actually consider that decent?

Today it was 85/60. That's actually quite low, but again, about 5 points away from concerning. Nonetheless, the nurse kind of freaked out. I was pleased though, because it was yet another sign that I'm on the right track, even if things are going slowly.

Best of all, the Kaiser scales show that I've now lost 30 pounds.

Still have a ways to go though.

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