
Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally, Ramadan Is Over

I'm not sure if I had mentioned that it is (was) Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims, where they fast during daylight for a full month.

Which means that most restaurants are closed during the day and it's not very polite to eat or drink in public since 99% of the population is fasting. Well, except for young kids, elderly, sick/pregnant, and tourists.

This made today a big day for celebration and feasting since it is an official holiday.

There was a TON of food today. Except not so much of it was healthy. Cake for breakfast, sweet pastries for lunch. A nice meat dish, to be eaten with bread.

Not a veggie or fruit in sight.

I got glares as I raided the fridge for vegetables and did not partake of what was served, but I felt like I didn't have a choice.

Dad and I took a post-lunch walk down the promenade again. It seemed much shorter in the daytime and at a not-meandering pace. It was also ridiculously hotter and I went straight into the bathroom and turned the freezing-cold water on straight over my head.

In the evening, we again visited my mother-in-law, where sugared tea was served.

A hypoglycemic's dream.

A hyperglycemic's nightmare.

We got back very late and went to bed.

Hopefully tomorrow will be something more like moderation.

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