
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Therapy First, Then Training

By therapy, I should probably mean sitting with a shrink figuring out why I make excuses in circles and what horrible tragedy I suppressed from childhood, coming to terms with everything and then start happily dancing in a meadow full of flowers.

Instead, I mean retail therapy.

I decided to tell my husband what I've been stewing over for the last several days. He is immediately supportive (and this is why I married him).

He is slightly less supportive of the costs, although agrees that 1) it's worth it and 2) it's easier than arguing with me.

I'm sent out with a budget of $80 for running shoes. I leave the store $155 later with shoes, socks, a bra, and a one-year membership that prevented the total trip from being $200.

Since it is, of course, critical to monitor your training, I headed for the electronics store and also got a program for my Nintendo DS. It's cool! It has these puzzles with blocks and you connect them in groups and then on the other side they make these different groups and you try to...

...wait, maybe that's part of my problem too. Okay, so I did get the puzzle program, but I also got a "personal trainer: walking" program with this little thing I'm supposed to carry around that then communicates with my game console. Yes, it's a novelty. No, I probably didn't need it at all. Yes, I already ran around the house a bunch to see if it works (it's actually kinda neat). I also programmed the second monitor for the dog who could use more activity as well.

So now I have shoes. I've done the retail therapy. I've received hubby approval. If I have any excuses left, I will have to start beating them down with positive reinforcements. Or maybe visit actual therapy.

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