
Monday, May 24, 2010

I've Learned One Thing

I had another huge list of TO-DOs that didn't get done. Although if you look at the list, it looks great since it was on a whiteboard and my lovely daughter erased it.

The little bit that I did get done resulted in my back being so sore that my husband practically had to push me out the door to get to the gym.

Since getting into my swimsuit was painful, I went straight to the hot tub. I know, sitting in the hot tub does not a workout make.

I'm very afraid that the run (or probably walk, in my case, at least at the current lack of progress level) may prevent me from finishing this triathlon.

I initially was wondering if my hippopotamus stature was because I didn't exercise because it hurt my back or if my back was hurting because I didn't exercise. I'm more afraid now that exercise hurts my back.

My husband asked if I am giving up. I immediately told him no. Since I forgot to call the doctor today, I will have to remember to do that tomorrow because even if a triathlon isn't on my horizon, at my age walking (and other functions of daily living) should not be this difficult or painful.

Something has to change. I hate taking painkillers so that it doesn't hurt to get dressed or load the dishwasher. By "hurt" I don't mean "is uncomfortable" but rather after performing said activities have to sit down and slowly take deep breaths and attempt to relax and find a comfortable position before I can do anything else--and sometimes that is even after taking the painkillers.

Maybe it's time for more acupuncture too.

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