
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Now We're Getting Serious

Back before I started any of this, I enrolled my daughter in a preschool and swore I would walk her there daily, rain or shine. I figured it would be good for me and the dog and nice "bonding" time with my daughter, good for memories (at least for me) for years to come.

Then I tried actually walking it.

It isn't far--only about .6 miles from our house, but when I started this, .1 miles was enough to put me on the couch for the rest of the evening I was in so much pain.

I started this project, can move, .6 miles (and back) no big deal, even twice a day, yay. At least, for me.

I can walk to the school in about 10 minutes. My daughter, on the other hand, makes the trip in about 15, and that's with a lot of coaxing of the "I bet you can't beat me!" form.

After school, it was taking about an HOUR to get home. Since I was taking the dog and had to carry her tote bag and other things, I couldn't carry her, and she was often in tears at about halfway.

Some memories I was making.

I started putting her in the backpack carrier I use when hiking and that helped a lot since she would fall asleep in it. Until I hauled her out to try and transfer her to her room for a nap. It would fully wake her up and I'd have a grouchy toddler preventing me from getting anything done the rest of the day.

So I caved. And drove.

Today at least it was on the premise that I would be running errands in between dropping her off and picking her up except that I left my coupons and list at home and had to go back.

To make up for it, I decided to install the bike trainer I bought in the living room. I really liked the one I used at my sister's house because we just plopped the bike in and took off.

The one I got is a fancier model, meaning more complicated. I had to replace a part and then I have to go through this whole adjusting and tightening routine to get it into the trainer, and then more adjusting and tightening so that it doesn't "slip" when I use it.

I have it figured out now, but it took me so long to set it up that it was time for bed before I got to use it.

But my living room at least looks like I'm serious.

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