
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Today's Episode Features...SURPRISE! Poor Planning.

On the agenda for today: daughter's soccer practice and husband's company picnic. Also I was going to bike to the gym for yoga and swimming.

Not on my personal agenda: 95 degree weather. Also not on my personal agenda: intelligence to check the weather report.

I was so tired I slept in past yoga and by time I got myself ready to go, I didn't have time to go swimming, either. I'd skipped out on going to soccer practice since I was going to meet my husband at the picnic by riding my bike there (the plan was to ride there, load the bike into his car and hitch a ride home). I decided to poke around some garage sales.

Stupidity intervention: never go to a garage sale on a bicycle.

The first sale I stopped at I found a $5 wagon--since I've been wanting something like it, but didn't want to spend a lot of money, I was thrilled--although had to ask if she could hold it until I could pick it up later. She did.

Then I stopped at another one, where I found a couple more things I'd have to come back and pick up later (although they were thrilled, so that worked out too).

Then I saw it: a stainless steel mini fridge. It's new and I didn't have quite enough for it on me, nor did I have any means to get it home, but she took all the cash I had as a "deposit" and I told her I'd be back between 2 and 3 to pick it up.

Went on my merry way to the picnic, where I had a hard time finding a place to lock up my bike, and eventually my husband and daughter also arrived. We had a yummy lunch and I got to tour the "clean room" where they put together pacemakers and other electronics.

We got to enter drawings for various prizes, but we had to be present to win--and they weren't doing the drawing until 3:00. It was 1:30 and HOT. I begged my husband to let me take the car to go pick up my garage sale finds and he entered the ping pong tournament (I later learned he didn't win a single game).

By time I went back to the garage sales to pick up my finds, the back of his car was so full I couldn't see out the rearview mirror (mostly because of the fridge).

It wasn't until I parked and walked off to go find him at the picnic again that I realized there would not be room for my bike in his car and I would be riding home.

Yeah, yeah, the exercise wasn't going to kill me. However, I was afraid the heat might. I was already pretty uncomfortable sitting in the shade, drinking icewater and pouring it on me. Then I had to leave the shade, strap on a helmet and backpack, and pedal.

It's not a long ride home and I did well for me, but it kinda reinforced that my Catalina goals are a bit far-fetched at the moment. (The Catalina bike course consists of three loops, half of which is a steady uphill--gentle, but steady, and I was poking along going up the hills into my neighborhood.)

I got home and immediately jumped into a cold shower to try and avoid a migraine. It totally worked. For an even better bonus, since my husband beat me home, he unloaded my new fridge and carried it into the house. It's still sitting in the front entryway, but it's in the house.

My daughter and I then headed out for what has become our Saturday night tradition. We grabbed some dinner, set up our seats and watched the outdoor movie put on for free by the city. We get back pretty late, but it is still a lot of fun. This week was Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, which I was pleasantly surprised with. I don't think my daughter understood it at all.

So I'm still in need of daily stupidity interventions and didn't exactly plan today well, but there were no actual mishaps.

Which is new, and I'll take it.

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