
Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Friday, So It's Family Swim Night

I just couldn't get to sleep last night. I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't seem to be able to drift off--unless I was playing a game on my Nintendo DS or reading my book.

Then I would drift off, relax my arms enough to let the game/book whack me in the face, wake me up, and I'd set it aside.

And my brain would tick tick tick tick tick and not stop working. Eventually I'd pick up the DS or my book to try and induce sleep, drift off, BONK, wake up...repeat...repeat.

At about 5:00 am, I gave up and went into my daughter's room. She's still cosleeping with us, so her room is mostly just storage for her toys and clothes, but she does have a "big girl bed" that she has slept in one full night. Three months ago. So when I can't sleep, I go in there--I seem to fall asleep more quickly.

I'm not sure if it's because it's cooler in that room, or because there aren't six other mammals trying to share the bed (although at least one cat and the dog usually try to join me on the twin sized bed--so a three-mammal count is still high), but I can usually fall asleep more quickly in there. Which I did.

But I had to get up at 8:00 to get ready for a client.

I fixed lunch for my daughter and I, we ran a few errands, and when we got back, I informed her that she had to take a nap before going swimming.

Guess who fell asleep?

That's right. NOT the three-year-old. She did nap, for a bit, but my husband didn't even wake me up when he came home. He didn't disturb me until it was time to leave for swimming.

My back was still really achy. Normally when we do family swim night, I make sure my daughter spends a fair amount of time at the beginning working on some of her skills from class before playing on the slide and splashing around in the shallow end. She enjoys it, so it's not like it's a chore.

I didn't spend that long with her before I left for the hot tub.

And after not too long, I just got out and got dressed and waited for everyone else to finish.

So I accomplished almost nothing--except that I did get a chance to go to the store where I bought my running shoes, demonstrate that they're too small, and ask how long the happiness guarantee was good for.

60 days. Which ran out about 3 weeks ago. Boogers.

Since I've really only worn those shoes on the treadmill, they look brand-new and they agreed to take them back, so next week I'm going to trade them in for ones that fit.

And they just won my business for life.

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