
Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Love My Chiropractor

Another rough night of not sleeping. My extended nap yesterday afternoon probably didn't help much, but I couldn't get to sleep again, went in my daughter's room, and finally crashed about the time it was getting light again.

When the alarm went off, I only hit snooze four or five times before I bolted out of OUCH OUCH, shouldn't have OUCH tried to bolt OUCH out of bed and gimped into the bathroom. I made a quick run to the grocery store, came home, and took off for the chiropractor.

The adjustments are only a teeny bit of the treatment. Dr. Amy (as my daughter calls her) is fantastic and most of my treatment is with her electrical stim machine, moist heat pad, and Grasston technique. I commented that if I had her electrical stim machine at home, I would never leave my massage table because I would just leave it running. It's just so soothing.

Afterwards, ran a couple more errands (including using a coupon that expired today for more bow supplies), got my husband's friend to take home a few things we've been storing for him (still slowly cleansing the house of unnecessary items), and then gave my chiropractor a massage while my husband took my daughter to a soccer game.

I actually got quite a bit done, and it wasn't until today I realized that I've really backed off of my painkillers--haven't done as well these past few days, but a lot better than before when I hadn't taken them.

Yay, more progress!

My husband also noticed my "new" wardrobe. "New" being that they are clothes I've had for years, but haven't fit into in awhile. Just a few shirts mostly, but it's nice to have some variety--and not having that variety be because I finally caved in and bought more size extra elephant clothes out of desperation.

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