
Monday, July 18, 2011

Sometimes I Fear . . .

. . . that my life is some kind of a hidden camera reality show for someone with a twisted sense of humor.

I'm still struggling with this lack of motivation issue. (Also, I'm still struggling with moderation, which will become clearer later on in today's tale.)

Since I had no daughter at home today, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to run the errands I had to take care of by bicycle. They were all little things and the distances didn't add up to much, so I thought it would be perfect: enough to get some exercise, but not enough to overdo it.

Yeah, yeah, I clearly don't know what constitutes "overdo" it when it comes to myself, stop laughing.

The Plan
Bike to the post office, where I would drop off a package and pick up mail for the preschool.
Bike to the preschool president's house, where I would drop off some of the mail.
Bike home.

Simple, right?

I even mapped out the route, using Google to include bike-friendly directions. Knowing I couldn't check my phone for every turn while riding the bike, I copied down the instructions on an index card, which I taped to my bike frame.

Before I go into the actual tale of my ride, I will say that by time I got home and was recounting all the things that went wrong, I realized it would be much faster to list the two things that went right:

1) I made it there.
2) I made it home, eventually.

What Happened Instead/What Went Wrong
1) It started raining
2) I couldn't figure out if the instructions were wrong or I missed a turn, but I got lost.
3) Apparently I am in worse shape than I realized as I was pretty tired when I got to where I was going.
4) Whether I missed a turn or not was irrelevant as on the way home it was clear that the Google instructions sent me through parks, down streets that didn't go through, and down imaginary streets.
5) I got a flat.
6) My CO2 cannister didn't fit my bike pump, so I got to manually fill my tire with my "backup" pump (which takes no less than 300 pumps to fill a single tire)
7) The tire went flat again.
8) It hurts to walk home the last 1/4 mile in my bike shoes.
9) I ended up with a migraine.

So the day started with me planning out this little "excursion" and thinking, "YAY ME!" because I was being active. Instead, by the end of the day, I end up thinking, "Way to go, dumbass," and wondering why it gets so hard to motivate myself to go out and do something active again.

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