
Monday, February 14, 2011

Oops, Wait...Today Is Valentine's Day?!

Bikram Yoga, Day 17

I finally got back to the yoga studio this morning. After my last class, where I was so sick I couldn't even do the lying down poses because it made me cough so bad, I haven't been back.

It was the hardest and best class I've had so far. I didn't feel like I regressed any, which I was worried about, but it did feel more challenging than before. There were a couple of poses where my legs shook uncontrollably, but I made it through and only coughed a couple of times.

My daughter had her first group swimming lesson in ages today. She'd been taking private lessons, and while I really liked that, part of what I think is important for her at this age is learning to wait for her turn and interact nicely with other kids. I was also hoping that the "breaks" she would get while the teacher focused on other kids would help her focus better when it was her turn, as she's been a bit challenged by that lately.

Of course, since she had an audience of two little boys, she was a complete showoff and did everything perfectly the first time she was asked. I wonder where she gets that from?

The rest of the day was uneventful and since my husband had a soccer game, he got home a little late. My daughter ran to the door to greet him, and then came back in shortly after with two cards: one for me and one for her.

My husband actually remembered to get Valentine's cards, which is more than I can say for myself.

In my defense, there was a "discussion" about at least getting me a card for our anniversary last year, even if we couldn't go do something. So now we're even. Oops.

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